Rube Goldberg

This was an assignment for my 3d Visual Effects class. The main purpose behind it being learning the concepts behind hard bodied dynamics via the use of 3ds Max's "Reactor" physics simulator. With that in mind, this was my first attmpt at tackling this kind of system. Story boards needed to be made and approved so that we weren't attempting to tackle a machine that was too absurd. We also had to model all assets and texture them as well as light and render the entire scene.
I did a decent amount of research on different types of rube goldberg machines to get some ideas as well as research on the different objects I had in my scene to get a better feel of how they react in a physical manner. One of the best lessons learned in this project was knowing how to compartmentalize different sections of simulation, a well as not trying to make the simulation do everything. It is only meant to get to a certain point, then I as the artist have to decide how to allow that to move the entire scene forward.